Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This word 'Apathy'

Most people who make the effort to think about this world with a view that extends beyond their personal space somehow reach this point: ‘We are apathetic’. Old news. The complete disregard for our degrading environment, corrupt political system, pain and suffering of less fortunate people, and the numerous other issues that deserve more attention is really not justified, but I think we’ve tuned into that sort of living now. We should have a broader spectrum of vision, true. But in all honesty, we arent the only ones to blame for our lack of concern. Every now and then we ‘feel’ for something. Someone cares about hungry kids, someone cares about the ozone layer, someone cares about stray dogs, someone cares about terrorism, but we don’t make the time to do something about it. It pricks me too. I wish I could do something that wouldn’t keep me labelled as an ‘only talk’ person. But basic human need is survival and we get so wrapped up in providing for our families or just getting through with our personal problems that sometimes we cant take the stress of getting out there and making radical changes. You might think that the least I could do was make a small donation to a cause if I cant get wholly active with one. Great! Those who devote themselves to changing the world for the better.. Greater! My point here is, stop complaining! Stop complaining about how the world doesn’t care or how you yourself care but find it hard to show. There will always be good and bad, pain and gain. Lenin said to ‘imagine’ because world unity is imaginary!  Im really tired of this word ‘apathy’ coming up in the news, blogs and other vents of concern and complaint. I ponder over it too, but it’s time we move on.

Also... 'Resilience' as opposed to 'apathy' is the new trend. But it's not a cliche yet, so i'll have to wait a bit.
Oh and, don't mistake me for a person with a hard heart. I'm just bored with the same old moaning from you people who learnt the word, it's still nice that you care.

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